The Eagle Cut Template Store is a special opportunity for artists to create a long term revenue stream leveraging our Eagle Cut software and distribution platform. Simply put:

  • We Bring The Software
  • We Bring The Distribution System
  • We Add You To The Eagle Cut Template Store Catalog Site
  • We Handle The Credit Card Sale
  • We Handle Getting It To The Plotter
  • You Bring The Unique Graphics
  • You Set Your Own Prices
  • We All Profit

Your products are added to our online system for download and cutting the same way we do with our premium Eagle Cut templates.

What, How, and When of Payments

While you set your own prices, Eagle Cut does take a percentage of each sale. We split the costs in a simple manner – we subtract that cost of the credit card and payment systems from the sale (referred to as our Platform Cost), and pay you 70% of the resulting amount. Using a $10 template as an example:

  • Your Sale Price: $10
  • Platform Costs 2.7% (Credit Card Sale) + 1.2% (Cost for us to pay out the sale): $0.39
  • Our Split 30%: 2.88
  • Your Profit: $6.73

We pay out every month. On the 15th of the month, we pay out your sales from the previous month. If there were any customer refunds of your template, we subtract that from your total for the month. Once your total is more than $10, we pay it out. If you made less than $10, we hold it until you reach a total of $10 or more in sales.

Currently, we use PayPal to handle our payouts – you will need to have a PayPal account setup to become a creator for the Eagle Cut template store. When setting up your Creator account in Eagle Cut, we’ll prompt your for your account information.

PayPal will also handle sending your tax statements at the end if of the year, and for US citizens will file your information with the IRS.

What Can You Sell?

You can sell nearly anything that can be cut on a professional grade vinyl cutter. We provide areas for:

  • Automotive
  • Marine
  • Home
  • General Purpose

From there, you can define what it’s for using tags, such as “Ford, Chevy, Truck, Back Glass”. This allows customers to later find exactly what they want using searches like “Ford Back Glass”.

There are some restrictions:

  • Clear Copyright: You can’t sell a template that belongs to someone else
  • Clear Trademark: You can’t sell a template of someone’s trademarked property, such as the Chevy symbol
  • No Nudity: Sorry, we don’t accept templates of an adult nature
  • No Hate Speech / Symbols: Symbols such as the Nazi Swastika are not accepted
  • Don’t Duplicate: If we already have a number of extremely similar items we may not accept it
  • Minimum Quality: if a template is deemed to be of low quality, or has many customer complaints it may be removed.

We do reserve the right to refuse or remove a template from the Eagle Cut Template store without reason, warning, or explanation.

If a DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Claim) is filed against your template, it will be removed immediately. It is up to you to resolve any claims fully, and Eagle Cut provides no services for assisting in intellectual rights claims.

Who Can Become a Creator?

Anyone 18 or over may become an Eagle Cut Template Store Creator.

in For Creators